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Book Video Trailers Featured In

Prominent media outlets regularly feature the video book trailers produced in our studios.

Book Video Trailers, Commercials and Marketing

Who can best understand the mind of an author? Answer: Another writer. Hudson Book Publishers is a platform that is writer-centered. What’s the benefit of that? Our trailer production department never goes astray with their objective. An expert of the particular genre is selected to read thoroughly and deconstruct the book, extracting all necessary elements that best combine to form the perfect trailer for you.

We make smart use of our invaluable asset of creative writers to employ such concepts in book video trailers that build tension and climax, and leave the viewers hanging from the edge of their seats, compelled to read the book to quench their thirsts. Want the same for your book too? Contact us today!


Years of Experience


Books Written


American Writers


Looking for Book Trailer Websites?

Your search ends here. Let’s begin your video book trailer’s production now.

Book Video Trailers,
Commercials and Marketing

Writing a great book is a significant accomplishment, but being the author of a remarkable book and being

the author of a bestselling book is not precisely the same. In the real world, a well-marketed book outsells a well-written book. Why not have both? Utilize our specialized book trailer video services and get your book ready to be released to the world with a smash.

How do we make that possible? Just like all the other big publishers and authors do, with professional marketing. Some genres are better marketed with commercials like self-help or nonfiction. In contrast, genres like thriller, mystery, romance, and different types of fiction go well with cinematic trailers and epic music. We are proficient in both.

Don’t know what strategy will work best for you? Let us know what your book is about by clicking the link below and let professionals guide you.

Our Writers

Meet the stars of our writing team who are always pushing and setting new standards for us as well as the industry. They have stellar writing experiences under their belt working with bestseller authors and featured by the biggest news outlets and forums.

Esther Rowe


Esther is one of our most emotionally intelligent writers. She deconstructs feelings of her characters so eloquently that it leaves even our editors waiting for the next chapter to quench their curiosity about what’s going to happen next. Her empathetic nature gives her an edge and enables her to not just understand the client’s demands but really feel where they’re coming from. Her abilities shine in storytelling whether they’re fantasy fiction, nonfiction biographies, narratives, screenplays, or novels. Hire her as your ghostwriter today.

Rosalie Guzman


Rosalie is the most versatile writer you will ever see. She is young, but exceptionally gifted with words and has a magical instinct that is reflected in her work. Her multifaceted profile showcases prized work in songwriting, rap and hip-hop, speeches, scripts, fanfics, short stories, flash fiction, and even comics. What’s surprising is that her flow from rhyming extends into the biographies and memoirs that she is always so eager to work on. Rosalie’s words are almost always trending in the media, and we feel proud to know that it was one of our own who wrote that.

Leo Weber


If there’s anyone who can make a person see with closed eyes, it’s our wizard, Weber. He is an expert in drawing detailed pictures in the heads of his readers and animate them with nothing but words on a page. His descriptions are extraordinarily visual, with a unique ability to change complete scenarios, all within a single sentence. Weber’s words that drop like hammers have earned him a celestial reputation amongst our clients so he stays booked in advance. Through our forum, hire him today to reserve an exclusive spot on his writing schedule.

Process of Video Book Trailer Production



Order Details

Click on the link to Get Started on the journey of creating the trailer for your book. You will be met with a simple brief form that will only take 2 minutes of your precious time.




An expert of the particular genre is cherry-picked to study your book from the writer’s perspective, and extract potential ideas out of it for a video trailer. We encourage and appreciate any ideas and suggestions of your own during this phase.



Video Script

The raw ingredients are sent to one of our proficient screenwriters, who write a comprehensive video script based on the information received from the previous step. The script is sent to the client for approval before we continue further.




After revisions, if any, the script goes into production. Our team of producers who create some of the best book trailers in the game, gets busy producing a captivating book trailer video.



Music & Extra Effects

Epic music that is befitting to the video produced in the last step is added to pour life into the trailer video. The trailer video is edited to perfection by filling it with effects.



Final Approval

We do not rest until we achieve a hundred percent client satisfaction. The video continues to get edited and revised in the light of the client’s input and suggestions until it is refined to perfection. Rest assured that you will receive the finest possible product in the end.

Make a Mind-Blowing Trailer Video.

Don’t know how to do that? Fear not; just let us handle it for you.

Find answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions

A book trailer is a short video designed to introduce a book to the world. Just like trailers of other forms of media like movies, television series etc, a book trailer spills just enough tea to grab the target market’s attention and keep them hanging, but not enough to kill the thirst for answers. A good book video trailer will highlight significant themes and ideas that appeal to readers, compel them to find out more, but won’t mislead them. YouTube is a great source for examples of cinematic book trailers.

The first part of making a trailer for a book is brainstorming. Write down the main themes and ideas presented in the book, and compare them. Then select the one which you think best represents the book.

Map that theme out on the main plotline, and without revealing any spoilers, write a video script for the trailer. This script serves as a shopping list for you to acquire all the necessary elements you need to record the video, for example, footage, music, voiceover speech, etc.

Remember, you can hire a professional at any point of the process to take care of the rest of the project. Hudson Book Publishers handles all the steps in creating book video trailers individually as well as a complete project.

A book trailer video can be as short as a 30-second clip and may extend to even 2 minutes. The trailer’s length depends upon the trailer’s concept, the book’s genre, premise, and other foundational elements, and not the story directly.

Ideally, trailers should be as short as possible. A longer trailer video does not necessarily mean more effort. It takes skill and careful execution to know what to unveil in the trailer and how to present it in the shortest timeframe possible. You don’t want to turn it into a bombardment of information about the book; it might be too much for your reader to digest.. Or maybe that’s what your ideal cinematic book trailer needs to be? We suggest that you let a professional decide that.

A cinematic video trailer for a book is not the same as a book commercial. A trailer is like an appetizer to entice readers for your book’s story. Although both are created with the focus of marketing it to the world, a commercial focuses on selling copies. In contrast, a trailer for a book teases and entices potential readers about the concept, theme or story. It is focused more on what’s written inside the book.

Some genres are better marketed with commercials like self-help or nonfiction, while other genres like thriller, mystery, romance, and other types of fiction do better with book trailers.

Answer: Another writer.

Hudson Book Publishers is a platform that is writer-centered. What’s the benefit of that? Our trailer production department never goes astray with their objective. An expert of the particular genre is selected to read thoroughly and deconstruct the book, extracting all necessary elements that best combine to form the perfect trailer for you.

Their ideas are then directed by videography specialists who turn it into a professional video book trailer that could not have been possible without the brevity and creative touch of a writer.

Click the link to Get Started with the most exciting part of your book’s release.

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Our Testimonials

Very creating and insightful work, made my ramblings make sense! I loved the added details and the way my characters were brought to life. The writer was prompt in her responses and catered to all last-minute adjustments patiently. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it. 100% recommended.


Joseph Boucher

#1 New York times-bestselling author Over 1 million copies sold!

I rarely write reviews but this goes to the ghostwriter I hired. The process, from the selection of the writer to the final submission of my book, went smooth. I` loved how he stayed engaged and concerned about my story. Thank you for giving an interpersonal touch to the story. Very quick to answer all queries. I am very satisfied with the quality of much. Way to go.


Annabell Ison

#1-ranked agent on Publishers Marketplace

This website is the best to hire a ghostwriter for any book! I hired a book ghostwriter thinking it would be a lengthy process but to my surprise, they delivered my book in no time. Great work is done! It felt as if the writer had read my mind. Wonderful. I also got my website made by them. Thank you.


Moore W.

Authors include Rachel Hollis, Tilman Fertitta, and John C Maxwell