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Big publishers and journals frequently acknowledge the brilliant work of those authors who hire our expert editors for children’s books of all age-groups.

Why Hire Specialist Children’s Book Editors?

Editing children’s books is not the same as editing any other kind of book. You have to look at everything through the lens of a child. Although the world looks a lot more interesting, as an adult, it is a test of the writer’s creative imagination and their understanding of children of the specific age group. We provide specialists in children’s psychology who have the literary background needed to turn an average book into a popular readers’ choice. Let’s talk about your current project and see how we can make it better.


Years of Experience


Books Written


American Writers


Hire a Children’s Book Editor Today!

Bring your book from the back of the shelves to the front.

More Than Just
Children’s Picture Book Editing

The word children’s book could mean anything from a picture book to an academic textbook. Every category has focuses that are worlds apart. Our children’s book editing team is divided into experts of each category who specialize in their category like no other.

We will fine-tune your words to make the book engaging for the respective age-group. We also provide consultation on the development of fiction for young adults and fiction. Your book needs to hit the bullseye on all the notions that are important to the focused age-group. Hire a professional children’s book editor here to get recommendations that personalize and transform an otherwise boring book into an exciting sensation among children.

With Hudson Book Publishers, you can get specialized children’s book editorial services in the following categories:

  • Picture books
  • Chapter books
  • Middle grade
  • Young adult

Stars of Hudson Book Publishers

Meet the stars of our writing team who are just as skilled as our team of children’s book editors. They have stellar writing experiences under their belt, working with bestseller authors and featured by the most prominent news outlets and forums.

Esther Rowe


Esther is one of our most emotionally intelligent writers. She deconstructs feelings of her characters so eloquently that it leaves even our editors waiting for the next chapter to quench their curiosity about what’s going to happen next. Her empathetic nature gives her an edge and enables her to not just understand the client’s demands but really feel where they’re coming from. Her abilities shine in storytelling whether they’re fantasy fiction, nonfiction biographies, narratives, screenplays, or novels. Hire her as your ghostwriter today.

Rosalie Guzman


Rosalie is the most versatile writer you will ever see. She is young, but exceptionally gifted with words and has a magical instinct that is reflected in her work. Her multifaceted profile showcases prized work in songwriting, rap and hip-hop, speeches, scripts, fanfics, short stories, flash fiction, and even comics. What’s surprising is that her flow from rhyming extends into the biographies and memoirs that she is always so eager to work on. Rosalie’s words are almost always trending in the media, and we feel proud to know that it was one of our own who wrote that.

Leo Weber


If there’s anyone who can make a person see with closed eyes, it’s our wizard, Weber. He is an expert in drawing detailed pictures in the heads of his readers and animate them with nothing but words on a page. His descriptions are extraordinarily visual, with a unique ability to change complete scenarios, all within a single sentence. Weber’s words that drop like hammers have earned him a celestial reputation amongst our clients so he stays booked in advance. Through our forum, hire him today to reserve an exclusive spot on his writing schedule.

Our Process for Book Editing Service



Order Details

Reserve your spot on the schedule by filling a simple brief form from this webpage. It will take less than five minutes of your precious time.



We Welcome You

Upon receiving the form, one of our cordial project managers will instantly contact you to take all the essential details regarding your book.



Selection of Candidate

Based on the information you’ve provided, an editor who is suitable for your book’s category will be selected from our children’s book editing team.



A Thorough

The selected editor puts your manuscript under a microscope and deconstructs all of its elements rigorously.



Editing and

The editor sends you an edited version of your manuscript using the “Track Changes” tool, along with in-depth guidelines and recommendations for rewriting where required.



Approval &

Only after both you and our editor approve of the book, it is sent for proofreading for a final touch to make your book publish-ready.

Hire a Children’s Book Editor Today!

Bring your book from the back of the shelves to the front.

Answers to the Frequently Asked Questions

First of all, know your audience and which age group they belong to. Then using that as a filter on your brain, go through the book from the beginning to end, making the following changes where required:

  • Look for redundant words and remove them. Moreover, rephrase any sentences that are longer than necessary. Complex sentences are not ideal for children’s books. Break down long sentences if you can, or rearrange words to make them more digestible for small brains.
  • Remove spelling errors. If you have even a single sprinkle of doubt about a word’s spelling, look it up on the internet or a dictionary.
  • Look for any instances where the point of view or tense changes.
  • Watch out for sentences that are trying too hard to tell something. Rewrite them into words that show the reader what you want them to understand. They’ll connect the dots themselves.
  • Remove or replace words that may be too difficult for the age group of your readers.
  • If the book contains or intends to have illustrations, keep that in mind and cut through long descriptive texts. Let the illustratios do their job.
  • Scan for missing punctuations, grammar errors, and conflicting sentences. You need your book to be clear, coherent, correct, and not at all conflicting to itself.

You can find excellent editing services on the internet. A quick internet search can get you a ton of options. Almost every one of those options will have a working process. Let go of the ones who don’t. Out of the ones who do, find the one that works best for you.

Talk to a few of them, find out if they can communicate well, whether they understand your requirements, and how much they charge. Through communication, you can discover a lot about how professional they are and how good they’re likely to turn out to be.

Do not be reluctant to spend some extra bucks if a service seems a little more expensive than the other. See how much value they’re offering you for your money. Then select the one who provides the most value, not necessarily the cheapest one.

Children’s books ideally offer a valuable lesson for them. But you want to make them believe that the lesson is worth caring about. In order for them to care about it, you need a conflict over something that children of that age group care about in general. Tie that conflict with the lesson and work backward to devise a plot for your book. Write down the plot on a single page (not more than that), and you should be able to see if it’s plausible or not.

Observe the children around and see what they focus on, how they talk, what things attract them in a room full of objects, what affects them, what they do not care about at all, etc.

Examine other books of that age-group and see which ones are selling and which ones aren’t. Take direct reviews from the end-users. Children can be refreshingly blunt and honest about their opinions. Talk to them to see what they like about their favourite book, and then try to listen to the message hidden in their answer. Lastly, when you do get an idea, do not spend too much time worrying if it’s going to work or not. Just start writing. A professional children’s book editor can help you turn the raw manuscript into a refined book that works in the end.

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Our Testimonials

Very creating and insightful work, made my ramblings make sense! I loved the added details and the way my characters were brought to life. The writer was prompt in her responses and catered to all last-minute adjustments patiently. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it. 100% recommended.


Joseph Boucher

#1 New York times-bestselling author Over 1 million copies sold!

I rarely write reviews but this goes to the ghostwriter I hired. The process, from the selection of the writer to the final submission of my book, went smooth. I` loved how he stayed engaged and concerned about my story. Thank you for giving an interpersonal touch to the story. Very quick to answer all queries. I am very satisfied with the quality of much. Way to go.


Annabell Ison

#1-ranked agent on Publishers Marketplace

This website is the best to hire a ghostwriter for any book! I hired a book ghostwriter thinking it would be a lengthy process but to my surprise, they delivered my book in no time. Great work is done! It felt as if the writer had read my mind. Wonderful. I also got my website made by them. Thank you.


Moore W.

Authors include Rachel Hollis, Tilman Fertitta, and John C Maxwell